My Family

My Family

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I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I start this blog in an effort to pass on the legacy of light that I have been blessed with because of the gospel of Jesus Christ to my children and their children. I hope that others will benefit as well.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Ice Cream Pickle Cake Experiment

This week I am following up on my Ice Cream Pickle Cake blog from a few weeks ago.  I am proud to report that the ice cream pickle cake experiment was a complete success!  Who would have thought that a 4-year-old boy's birthday dream-come-true would be getting his wish for ice cream pickle cake?!  He talked about it for days before his birthday and reminded me that I would be giving it to him for his birthday multiple times.  My "keep it simple, make it fun" plan worked out beautifully!  I killed two birds with one stone--making an Oreo ice cream dessert for Mother's Day and laying deli pickle slices on Cohen's piece in celebration of his birthday which was the day after.  My family was happy because, well, they love my mom's recipe for what is more commonly known as Mud Dessert, and Cohen was happy because he got to celebrate his birthday three days in a row.  Saturday was his super hero party, which was truly super thanks to my awesome daughter.  Then we sang to him and served him his ice cream pickle cake on Sunday, and Monday we had a barbecue for his real birthday.  He described it as having "three 4's."  In other words, he turned 4 three times.

The theory behind the ice cream pickle cake was that if he decided he didn't like the pickles, he could easily remove them from the top and still be left with deliciousness.  However, as the pictures below reveal, the pickles became an integral part of Cohen's Mud Dessert and thus, Ice Cream Pickle Cake was born!

Simple moments make the best memories!

A picture speaks a thousand words.

Recipe for Ice Cream Pickle Cake (aka Mud Dessert with Pickles)
1/2 Gallon (one carton) vanilla ice cream
One 8 oz. carton Cool Whip
Soften both of these and fold or mix together.
30 Oreos crushed
Fold Oreos into ice cream and cool whip.
Beat all with a mixer until soft but not soupy.
Drizzle chocolate syrup all over the bottom of a 9x13 dish.
Spread ice cream mixture evenly in the dish.
Drizzle more chocolate syrup on the top.
Optional:  Crush some of the leftover Oreos and sprinkle on top.
Put in freezer (can make 2-3 days before eating).
Top one or more pieces with deli sliced dill pickles for the brave souls who want to try it Cohen style.

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