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I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I start this blog in an effort to pass on the legacy of light that I have been blessed with because of the gospel of Jesus Christ to my children and their children. I hope that others will benefit as well.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Crossing the Great Waters

I have been reading the book, More than a Tattooed Mormon, by Al Caraway, a convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  In the chapter entitled, New Life, she describes the difficulties of being rejected by those whom she had loved because of her new-found faith and the trials that followed her baptism.  She turned to God and the scriptures for strength and peace.  I was impressed that she turned to God instead of away from Him during her times of great loneliness and heartache.  She took her "Why" questions to Him--an example we can all learn from.

At the end of this chapter, she compares the story of the people of Jared to her own journey (Ether 6:1-12, Book of Mormon).  As I studied and applied these scriptures and her words to my own life, I gained some amazing insights.  The scriptures truly are for us and can help us face our challenges.  Ether 6 provides us with perspective when we find ourselves wondering why our particular heartaches and struggles continue for what seems like forever, or why we have to deal with them at all.  The story relates the journey of Jared and his brother and their families as they traveled across the sea to this continent--their promised land.  It is a story of faith, as they built ships according to the specifications that the Lord had given them--ships that would withstand the dark, suffocating waters of the ocean.  They were described as "vessels being tight like unto a dish," so that no water could get in, even when they were "buried in the deep."

Often in the scriptures, the Lord describes people as "vessels."  As I read this chapter, I feel a desire to make sure that my vessel is tight, sealed with faith in Christ, so that the influences of the world cannot not affect my spirit.  I wonder how I can help my children and grandchildren seal their vessels against the powerful influences of the outside world on this journey that God requires of us in order to reach a better place.

The journey for the Jaredites was long and fraught with storms and a furious wind, and yet the Lord did not leave them without light.  Miraculous stones of light were provided for each end of each vessel, so that even when they were buried in the deep, they could still see the light.  And thus the Lord caused stones to shine in darkness, to give light unto men, women, and children, that they might not cross the great waters in darkness (verse 3).  I love that this scripture does not just say people.  I feel like God is telling us that he cares about the needs of men, women, and children--that one group does not dominate another or have more status in the eyes of God.  I feel like He is talking to me, letting me know that I do not have to cross my own great waters or face the dark depths of suffering or great and terrible tempests without His continuous light, that even though mountain waves may break upon me, they will not break me, as long as my vessel, my spirit, remains tight.

I love what Al Caraway states about this chapter:  Not once were they left alone.  And though the storm seemed to be preventing them from progressing, it was actually helping them travel toward the place they needed to go--the promised land (verse 8).  So it is with the many struggles we face on our journey.  Sometimes the very things we wish would just go away are actually leading us to a better place.

These people acted on their faith. They got into their vessels.  They faced the monsters of the sea and  made it to a place that God had prepared--a place that was so much better than what they had left behind.

Why were they successful under nearly impossible circumstances?
  • They acted in faith and did what God told them to do.  They built their ship and formed it the way He wanted it built.
  • After they had done all that they could do, they commended themselves unto the Lord their God  (verse 4).  
  • They prayed continually:  . . . therefore, when they were encompassed about by many waters they did cry unto the Lord, and he did bring them forth again upon the top of the waters (verse 7).
  • They showed gratitude:  . . . they did sing praises unto the Lord; yea, the brother of Jared did sing praises unto the Lord, and he did thank and praise the Lord all the day long; and when the night came, they did not cease to praise the Lord (verse 9).
  • They were humble and acknowledged the hand of God in their lives:  and when they had set their feet upon the shores of the promised land they bowed themselves down upon the face of the land, and did humble themselves before the Lord, and did shed tears of joy before the Lord, because of the multitude of his tender mercies over them (verse 12).

In all of the discouragement you may feel now--all of your sorrow, sadness, loneliness, darkness, and "storms" of life you may be traveling through right now--look to this story.  Look to the light you do have, even if it seems as small as a stone.  Look to the Lord.  Look for His hand, even when you feel buried under the waves of mortality.  He is always there with you, always guiding you.  We need to trust that everything God does is to help us receive greater blessings in life.  When you are trying to do what God will have you do, know that those hard times are moving you closer to where He needs you to be.  Our trials move us closer to where things are greater than they ever could have been before.  Your stormy journey may be taking much longer than you desire or feel you have strength the endure, but do not let discouragement stop you from trying and turning to Him.  Hard times will consistently be there--that won't change--but so will Christ.  And with Him we are able to overcome and conquer absolutely everything--every feeling of loneliness, discomfort, weakness, sadness, and temptation. Do not let your trials dictate and alter your perception of truths and promises given.  Hold on to what you know; it will be your anchor in the storms.  He will never give up on you.  Do not give up on Him"  (Al Carraway).

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